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Reengineering Benefits:
Determines if the dissatisfaction with your existing system is realistic or exaggerated.
Determines if your existing software can be enhanced to meet your needs.
Costs a fraction of a software replacement.
Prevents a major disruption to your club/POA’s operations.
If Reengineering is deemed to be appropriate, provides a systematic approach to enhancing your existing software.
So you’re dissatisfied with your club/POA management software. Now you face a tough decision: buy new, or keep what you have and squeeze as much out of it as you can. The vast majority of clubs/POAs replace their software because they are “unhappy” with it. Seems simple enough. Don’t like what you have? Get something new and better.
But what if your unhappiness is:
Related to issues that can be easily resolved?
Blown out of proportion compared to the actual problems?
More related to poor processes than the software itself?
An excuse for users who lack knowledge?
Based upon unrealistic expectations?
All of the above?
Enter Software Reengineering. Reengineering begins with a thorough analysis of the key factors that affect how well your existing software can perform, and what is affecting the club/POA’s perception of that performance. Unlike Replacement, which assumes that the legacy system is the root cause of the unhappiness (and cannot be salvaged), Reengineering demands that the existing system be proven to be the root cause of the disenchantment, and be proven to be unsalvageable. And where Replacement focuses on identifying the “best fit” new system, with no real thought toward improving the legacy system, Reengineering focuses on maximizing the capabilities of the existing system, procedures and personnel. Reengineering evaluates the cost-benefit of replacement vs. retention, and either justifies the retention of the existing systems and initiates reengineering activities, or shifts the focus to selecting the “best fit” replacement system.
How We Can Help. We have assisted more than 400 clubs and communities with the Replacement process—so we know that cold. But along the way we often identify clubs that are good candidates for Reengineering—even if they don’t recognize that opportunity themselves. Today, about 70% of our consulting engagements involve Reengineering instead of Replacement, and that proportion is growing. We’ve developed a highly-praised service that first determines if Replacement or Reengineering is the answer, and then executes the best solution for your club.
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